Jasmin Kim
Copy Editor
Hollywood High has released audition dates for the next musical. Singing auditions will be on Monday, December 16, from 3:30-6:00 P.M. and dance call and callbacks will be on Tuesday, December 17, from 2:00-6:00 P.M.. Go to the theater room/ Mr Tourtellotte’s room to pick up a copy of the music to review. Auditions are open to all!
The 2020 production will be of “Once Upon a Mattress”. This musical is based on the fairy tale “Princess and the Pea”.
“Once Upon a Mattress” is a musical comedy about a cursed king and a queen who searches for a true princess to wed their son, the prince. The queen put many princesses through impossible trials to determine whether or not they are “true” princesses.
Feel free to ask questions on the HHS Thespians Instagram page or ask Mr. Tourtellotte!