Sheiks touring Hollywood

Kayla Kwak
Copy Editor

Day Three of spirit week at Hollywood High is tropical/tourist day, and the school is full of spirit.

Students and teachers alike were full of school spirit. Many dressed in their Hawaiian shirts and some went all out and wore hats, sunglasses, or brought a camera along. The past two days of spirit week were also a success. Day one being pajama day and day two being duo day. The days that follow are vintage day on Nov 7, and roll call day on Nov 8 with colors designated to each grade level.

Stephanie Gonzalez , SAS senior, poses to get a photo taken by Marlyn Chicas, also an SAS senior.

Zucely Chavez and Christian Guevara, SAS Juniors, show school spirit and dress up as tropical tourists for Hollywood High’s spirit week!

Lets keep up spirit week till the pep rally on Friday!!!

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