Mulan waits to be released
Kayla Kwak Copy Editor The live-action film that was scheduled to release on Mar 27, 2020, is based on Disney’s Mulan and follows…
Kayla Kwak Copy Editor The live-action film that was scheduled to release on Mar 27, 2020, is based on Disney’s Mulan and follows…
Kayla Kwak Copy Editor It is Hollywood High tradition to graduate in either a red cap and gown or a white cap and…
Kayla Kwak Copy Editor Senior T-shirts have arrived! Seniors, please pick them up at the student store from Elizabeth Payne during nutrition or…
Kayla KwakCopy Editor Day Three of spirit week at Hollywood High is tropical/tourist day, and the school is full of spirit. Students and…
Kayla Kwak Copy Editor National Mole Day recognizes the Avogadroś number that is used in chemistry. In the United States it is celebrated…
Kayla Kwak Copy Editor The on-campus blood drive will take place on Oct 29. You must be 16 years of age or older…