Falling into Pep Rally with Spirit Week

Mayeli Acuna

Chronicle Reporter


As pep rally approaches this Friday, that means spirit week is here. Be apart of the school spirit and follow the themes that lead up to our massive school gathering. Fall spirit week is three days in, but it is not to late to join. It lift ups the spirit of the school and that is what Hollywood High as all about. Here are the themes of  the remaining days of spirit week.

Wednesday 10/17: Wear Pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Thursday 10/18: Wear your favorite sports team jersey for Sports Day

Friday 10/19: ROLL CALL

Reminder: Freshman wear gray, Sophomores wear black, Juniors wear white and Seniors wear red

Join and be apart of the school spirit. You can take pictures with your friends and create fond memories for the fall 2019 spirit week. There are a few days left, do not hesitate. If you decided not to take part or think it is to late, there is always the spring spirit week.


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