Maria Hernandez
Opinion Editor
Since the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year, many seniors have been wondering what their senior activities are going to be like, and now that they have received updates many seem to be upset.
Samuel Dovlatian, assistant principal and the senior cabinet held a zoom webinar on Feb. 24 to discuss what senior activities would look like during the pandemic. As of now, it is unknown whether or not some activities will be able to be held in person. However, the senior cabinet has planned activities that can be held online in case students are not able to celebrate activities like prom and graduation in person.
Seniors were given the opportunity to state their opinion through a survey. Many seniors were quick to react to the options that they were given on the survey.
“As I was reading the option of possibly having a virtual prom and graduation I felt upset. This is not what I pictured my senior activities to look like. I was picturing a fun prom but right now it feels like we will not be able to have one because of the coronavirus.” said Fernanda Najera, TCA senior.
Seniors were given the option to vote for a virtual prom with DJ, wait to see if we can have an in person prom, or to postpone prom until summer.
“In my opinion I feel like having a prom on zoom is ridiculous. It will not feel like a traditional prom since we are just going to be on camera. said Danny Cortez, NMA senior. “I feel like we dealt with really difficult obstacles and we deserve a graduation at the Hollywood Bowl. I am still hoping that we can host graduation at the Hollywood Bowl”
Decisions regarding how senior activities will be held or when senior activities are going to take place have not been made. Seniors are eagerly waiting for more updates on their senior activities.