Bani Rice
Chronicle Reporter
Starting next week Friday, Nov. 22 Hollywood High will be having a club during lunch in the Quad! The different clubs at the school will be selling varieties of food with 17 different options to choose from. The clubs that will be participating in this event will be ASB Leadership, Asian Student Union, Black Student Union, Cartoon Club, Dance Club, Debate Club, Fashion Club, Friendship Club, Key Club, Literature Club, LGBTQ+ Club, NMA Club, Open Mic Club, TCA Leadership, Thespian Club, and Vegan Club. You will not be paying with money, but instead will be paying with tickets. Pre-sale tickets will be sold in the student store with $1= 1ticket from 11/18-11/22.
Check out Hollywood Highs official Instagram page to see the food options you can choose from @hwoodsheiks. See y’all next Friday!