Reopening the curtain on a tradition

Melisa Lovos and Cristal Rincon

Chronicle Reporter and Website Editor

Hollywood High School’s beloved JROTC is making it’s return after the program met it’s demise on the 100th year anniversary in 2017. The program is being led by Colonel Darryl Hensley, who runs all of the JROTC programs in Los Angeles Unified School District.

The program was cut due to financial reasons, but is being brought back now thanks to interim principal Fonna Bishop. Hollywood is the fastest school to have gotten approved for this program, due to the school’s history, administrators said. In 1917, Hollywood was one of seven schools across the nation that was chosen to introduce and run JROTC.

“When I came here and I visited the school three weeks ago and I saw all of the photos,” said Colonel Hensley, “I literally got emotional and I said, I’ve got to bring this school back.” 

JROTC stands for Junior Reserve Officer’s Training Corps, and is a program that is focused on discipline, teamwork, and leadership values. Contrary to popular belief, the purpose of JROTC is to create better citizens, rather than soldiers for the military. It also offers credits to those participating, and helps students stand out when applying to college.

“It’s just a great program that inspires students to become leaders,” said Assistant Principal Pacino Furioso.

JROTC is now being offered as a free seventh period class every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:15 to 4:45 p.m. Anyone interested in joining should speak to their counselor for more information.

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