Esteban Garcia
Chronicle Reporter
The last FAFSA and Dream Act workshop was held today at the library from 3:30 to 7:30. Although the deadline for the application process is near, many seniors attended for more help or concerns they have about the process. This workshop helped many seniors know what they need to know in order to be able to financially help themselves go to college.
“My workshops are successful because when the students come, they ask for help and I’m there to help them,” said Ms. Pinedo. “Some don’t know the importance of it and they are the ones that need to attend and they can always come to me for questions and don’t be afraid to ask. ”
She had folders full of information available to the students whom attended her workshop. She made all of her work possible through Schoology, Instagram, and Naviance which are all available online. The deadline for both these applications are March 2, which is next Friday. The deadline is near and just as important as applying to scholarships.
“This workshop can help me because this can help me financially on my success to college,” said Anthony Hernandez, a senior PAM student. “For most people, this application is very important because they need the money.”
Although her workshops are done, she is still available to help anyone out with any questions one may still have. She is available at the college center all day and after school just to help. Don’t forget to keep checking your Instagram and Schoology for more updates on news from the College Center and their field trips they have. Resources are always available when you are in need of help.