A ukulele-playing sophomore trying new things

Indiana DeFrate

Crimson Chronicle Reporter

Angel Cueto is the model SAS student. She balances good grades, choir, track, and last year she performed in Hollywood’s rendition of Grease on top of that. With all of this, she maintains a cheery attitude, and a smile.

Angel is a 16-year-old sophomore who spends most of her time outside of class with her friends, or meeting new people.

“I love meeting new people,” Angel said, “because I like meeting people from different walks of life.”
When she’s not with her friends, she is drawing, dancing, or playing ukulele. Angel is known throughout Hollywood for her sociability, and her affection for dancing. She also loves to sing, as she is in choir ensemble.

“It gives me a way to go out of my comfort zone and try new things,” she said. “It (helps with my confidence.) It really pushes me out of my bubble and makes me do things that I wouldn’t normally do.”

Along with being on the choir ensemble, Angel is also on the track and field team. She runs sprints, and participates in field events, like long jump. She said the most challenging thing about both choir and track is trying not to “compare (her)self with people who are better than (her.)”

“There’s always going to be more talented people, and I have to accept I have to better myself to get to where they are.”

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