Boys soccer hoping to have a team

Doraliz Cruz

Crimson Chronicle Reporter

This month freshmen to senior boys were informed that they could try out for the soccer team and get ready for their season provided that they have a  2.0 GPA and are passing their classes with a C or higher. 

Who will be coaching the boys is still unknown, a coach is reportedly on standby. Yesenia Guzman,l P.E teacher is coaching the girls soccer team with Coach Edwin and they are helping out the boys as well. 

All participants must be vaccinated or won’t be able to play. Out of 39 boys who showed up only 15 boys have been cleared and are ready for the season, said Guzman.

“Mr. Briggs is on standby to be coach for the guys soccer team;  We are still waiting for his confirmation number,” she said.

First game will be an away game on Nov 17 against the Bernstein Dragons. 

Those wanting to be  part of the soccer team and have completed the sports packet UPLOAD your covid vaccine as soon as possible or you won’t be able to participate. There will be only a varsity team. If not all boys have been cleared and if  a coach isn’t assigned, there might be a chance this soccer season might be canceled according to Guzman.

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