Escobedo’s students win NMA’s Halloween door competition

Cristian Chajon

Crimson Chronicle Reporter

As the Halloween season comes to a close, the New Media Academy celebrated with a “Door Decorating Halloween Competition” throughout Oct. 25 to 29 and the winner of the NMA’s Halloween door competition is Alycia Escobedo’s door.

“ I am proud of students for participating and bringing things together because I know that students are stressed at the moment due to grades, deadlines are around the corner,” said Escobedo, NMA science teacher.

There were 12 doors that participated in the competition. Each door had two students helping them decorate and design the doors. Anyone could join in and help out. The tension was high and people were going all out to make the best door possible. The judges were NMA’s Magnet Counselor Edwin Deleon, PAM’s and NMA’s magnet coordinator Ali Nezu, TCA’s counselor Cindy Dyer, and the Principal Samuel Dovlatian.

The teachers participating in the “Halloween Door Decorating Competition” were very excited to see what the students had in store for them. They had high expectations and were also very happy with what the NMA hallways looked like at the end of the competition.

“I’m very excited for this door competition because I feel like everyone is gathering together and it also feels good that the NMA community is doing something together after all the things that have happened in the last year,” said Casey Klein, NMA English teacher.

Students were also giving their full effort into decorating the doors of the NMA hallways. Students were excited and also determined to win the competition.

“I believe that the door I helped decorate and design can win the competition,”said senior Jose Carlos, who worked on English teacher Adam Cook’s door.
As the competition came to an end, teachers and students were very happy with how the doors looked at the end of the competition. Teachers and students were eager to find out who the winner was.

The hallway before looked like a normal hallway. But when Halloween season arrives the hallway is no longer a normal hallway. It’s more lively this time of the year and the NMA community is more gathered than ever celebrating the scary season.

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