Girls volleyball team to return for playoffs


Christian Guevara

Chronicle Reporter

Girls Volleyball finished their season with a score of 3-1, triumphing over Belmont High School, resulting in a record of one loss, one win, and one tie. 

The season started abruptly for the lady Sheiks as COVID-19 regulations came into effect. Once CIF announced high school sports could play outdoors, the team had about two weeks to practice before their first game. The first game against RFK had to be rescheduled as they did not have enough time or a set team. Hollywood went on to play RFK with only five athletes, which is less than the minimum number of six. After going against a team of fifteen girls, the Lady Sheiks ended the game with a tie. 

The girls went on to play Hollywood’s rival Bernstein and put on one hell of a fight, but sadly lost 3-0.

This season was quite challenging for the Lady Sheiks as they had to play with people who have never played before, meanwhile adjusting to the climate. Volleyball is typically played indoors, causing all players to learn how to adjust to the outside winds as it pushes the ball in the wrong direction. The lady Sheiks also had to play through the hot LA weather and picked up a tan along the way. 

 “Being given an amazing opportunity to have a volleyball season despite the impact of COVID, this prime motivation inspired me into being the best captain that I can possibly be for our team,” said Alexah Manabat, SAS senior.

The girls volleyball team has their first playoff game scheduled on June 5. The bracket to know where they’re seated comes out on May 20. 

5 thoughts on “Girls volleyball team to return for playoffs

  1. Just a couple of determined girls on their way to playoffs, very excited to experience this once again!

  2. Great article, it’s really nice to have a well written report for our school girls volleyball team!

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