Most Sheiks not returning in person


Brandon Ascencio and Gabriela Salas

Chronicle Reporters

School resumes in person the week of April 26. About 150 students have confirmed their return to school, according to Principal Mary Reid.

If no parent survey response is received for a child, then the default will be for the child still continuing learning online. This form can be found at

Of those who responded, 51% chose the in-person hybrid option. For high school, 33% favored a return to school campus, states LAUSD. 

“I have confidence in Superintendent Beutner’s vision,” said Reid. “I believe he wants students to return as soon as it’s safe. He’s doing everything possible to make sure the vaccine is available to staff and personnel who want the vaccine.” 

For high school students, a return to campus will be on a schedule that alternates two or three days on campus each week, but it wouldn’t resemble traditional instruction.

The percentage of the parent survey is low for high school students since there will be no escape from online learning. 

For those who return in person, students will only meet with advisory teachers for the whole day, taking breaks only for the restroom or lunch. Students will also have minimal contact with the other teachers. 

This whole situation depends on one’s situation at home. Students may want to have a serious conversation with parents about the advantages and disadvantages of returning to campus. 

Students who return will be required to get a COVID test the week before returning to school. Everyone on a school campus will be required to have a negative COVID test no earlier than one week before returning. 

Students will continue to receive instruction online, and each student will receive noise-cancelling headphones so they don’t hear their advisory teacher instructing his or her own classes. Students will participate in their advisory classes with their teacher for in-person community building and social-emotional learning. Students will complete coursework online and participate in independent work when not receiving direct instruction. 

The week will start off on April 26, with only teachers on campus. The intention is to have students come in one day at a time to get everyone adjusted. Freshmen will have two days to adjust to campus, Advisory H will start on Tuesday and Advisory L will start on Wednesday. Advisory H will start on April 29 and Advisory L will start on April 30 for grades 10-12.

All students taking in-person classes will be going together each weekday. Regardless of how students will be continuing classes, they should look at the new Hybrid/Online Distance Learning Schedule.

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