Class of 2021 chooses senior superlatives


Gabriela Salas

Chronicle Reporter

At the beginning of February, senior favorites were announced for different superlative categories. Hollywood High School students were able to vote for their favorites. There were ongoing votes for senior superlatives for several days through a form found in the Hollywood High School yearbook Instagram. 

A senior superlative is an award to honor both the serious and funny aspects of the class. It is given mostly to two seniors who receive the most votes for that superlative. This is an honorable way to pay tribute to students for their achievements and attributes. 

Hollywood High School students were able to vote for their favorites. There were ongoing votes for senior superlatives for several days. 

The winners of the senior superlatives: 

Winners for best dressed-Brenan Cole and Chris Guevara 

Best smile- Destiny Smith and Dennis Lezama 

Friendliest seniors- Lizbeth Zesati and Jabez Byrd 

Ms. Hollywood- Jade Ventling and Mr. Hollywood- Jabez Byrd

Class clowns- Tymiah Johnson and Jordys Rios

Most athletic- Mayte Guzmán and Josue Xicara

Best performers- Kalynn Harris and Jabez Byrd

Most likely to stay BFF’s forever- Juliette Monterroso and Elizabeth Jimenez 

Most likely to show up late to graduation- Raul Rivera

Prettiest eyes- Kalynn Harris

Cutest couple- Zoey Montgomery and Nathan Ramirez 

Best duo- Zoey Montgomery and Elayna Peebles

Hardest workers- Ingrid Muniz  and Milo Koyfman

Most likely to become the president of the United States- Francine Olpoc

Most likely to succeed- Angelica Whipple and Sean Cayetano

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