Sheiks make their way back to the field

Yahir Martinez

Chronicle Reporter

Student-athletes at Hollywood High School had never imagined something as massive as a worldwide pandemic to affect the sport they love to play. Speaking to student-athletes about the effects of the pandemic has relayed the similarities between different athletes’ thought processes.

Hollywood’s guard, junior Gary Lira, said he has been playing a lot of basketball and finding new passions in his life during these times. He said this is the time to work and keep in shape for this upcoming season. “Athletes should find this time most crucial to stay in shape and to improve on themselves,” he said.

Gary said he has been working to become a better basketball player every day by playing with his teammates at parks to get more chemistry.

Basketball players aren’t the only student-athletes who feel this way either. Juan Gayton, SAS junior, plays nose guard and right tackle for the football team. He has been spending most of the time with his family and said it’s very hard for him to keep in shape because of gyms and parks closing due to the pandemic. “It’s not an excuse to not stay in shape but the way we use what we have at home plays a big part,”  he said, adding that with creativity and passion he can work through it.

“I do worry about the season being delayed because we already lost so much time. The more sports get delayed the less we have a chance to get on the field and be great.”  

Student-athletes at Hollywood High handle the quarantine differently than students who are not in a school sport. Most athletes are using this time to work on themselves hoping that there is even a slight chance for them to showcase their improvements during these times.

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