Julia Rouillard
Chronicle Reporter
It was announced on May 12 that stay at home orders would be extended until late July depending on how things go. Stay at home orders were supposed to be lifted on May 15 but to be safer Public Health officials have pushed it back.
For the next 3 months they will slowly be lifting few restrictions to have more activities and more businesses to open. For that to happen LA county has to maintain the standard of deaths stopping in the last 14 days and no more than one case per 10,000 residents in the same period, so far no county has met these standards.
Some people are saying that this is a good thing because if the stay at home order is lifted to quickly then there could be a second wave of infections. “I think it’s fine that the LA county is extending the stay at home order because it will benefit everyone by being a lot safer.”, says sophomore Miguel Herrera.