Frida Larios
Opinion editor
Quarantine and online learning has been going on for awhile now. Due to the virus many of us are at home with our families trying to stay safe and adjusting to online school. Online school is different for every student, but in my experience with it, I’ve noticed that some teachers are assigning more work now than they were while at school. It’s frustrating to me because right now I am more concerned about my family and I’s health than I am school work.
I understand that school must go on, but having three different assignments at a time for one class isn’t ideal. At school, some classes were more slowly paced than they are now online. I currently have more assignments for one of my electives than I do for an AP class, it doesn’t make sense to me. Everyone’s priority should be their health right now and not unnecessary amounts of schoolwork. Not to mention, seniors trying to complete the steps to enroll into college. In just one week, I attended four zoom orientations that lasted over two hours each.
The district made the decision to not give out any failing grades for this semester, a D being the lowest which can help out many students struggling during this time. Most teachers are also being very lenient with their students, but others are just assigning way too much work. We are all adapting to this new way of learning but they should understand that school isn’t everyone’s top priority during this time.
I totally agree with you on this, ever since schools closed down teachers have been assigning way too much work especially more than we originally get when school is in session. Online school isn’t everyone’s cup of tea especially many family’s are facing hardships during these times and the main focus should be our health and our well beings. Teachers should be more considerate especially for seniors since we also have to worry about college since its around the corner, although we aren’t going to school anymore we still have lives and things to get done besides doing school work all day and not just for one class but for multiple classes.