Life as a grocery store worker during a pandemic

Frida Larios

Opinion Editor

As I hope everyone knows, we are in the middle of a pandemic. Today, Mayor Eric Garcetti announced that all businesses such as nightclubs, bars, and movie theaters will be closing. Businesses that will stay open are grocery stores, pharmacies, and food banks.

I have been working at a grocery store for one year and I love it. My store in particular gets very busy every day because of our location in the middle of Hollywood, but I have never seen anything like this. All of our sections are empty, we had to close down our meat and egg sections since we had nothing. Lines curve around the store and giving out samples has now turned into sanitizing carts and baskets instead. I am personally very afraid of going into work at this time because I live with my grandparents who are especially vulnerable to this virus, but for now I will have to hope for the best and work less hours.

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