Seniors to present project on Thursday

Bertha Escobar

Chronicle Reporter

Next week on Dec. 12, around 200 seniors will be presenting in their professional attire, in front of judges. The judges will give a you a score and that will be included in the grade for English 12.

Students in English 12 are required to present in order top walk on stage at the Hollywood Bowl in June.

As we know, once becoming a senior, it is a tradition to either take AP Literature or do the senior project. The senior project was encouraged in our school to show students independency with their own topic, research, ideas, designs, and to reach out for their own mentor. This year, seniors had less time to work on their projects than last year when the presentation was in May.

Students successfully found their mentor, wrote a 10-12 page essay, and have completed their service hours. The last step now is completing their overall slides of their research about what they have learned throughout their journey and presenting.

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