Why celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

Guadalupe Dominguez Trujillo

Chronicle Reporter

Sept. 15 is the day that marks the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month. The Hispanic community is no longer a minority but a majority. During this month the contributions Hispanics have made to the American culture and Hispanic heritage is recognized and remembered. 

Former President Ronald Reagan extended the celebration to a month on Aug. 17, 1988. The reason behind the chosen date was because during the time period of Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, Latin American countries celebrate their independence, for example, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua all celebrate their independence anniversary on Sept. 15.

“It’s an important time to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month to keep the culture alive and to remind everyone where we come from and who we are, represent each country as it deserves,” said Sandy Barrios, Latino Student Union President. “People should acknowledge Hispanic Heritage month especially with everything that is going on.”

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