Veganism in Hollywood

Cheyan Metcalfe

Chronicle Reporter

Veganism is making its round at Hollywood High.

Vegan options are now available for lunch that feature whole grain cheese pizza wedges, bean and cheese pupusas, and a plant based burger called the “Possible” burger. It helps prevent students that don’t eat meat from skipping lunch. I myself, have been pescatarian for seven months and whenever I have a salad for lunch I would have to take out every bit of chicken and eat it plain.

In addition, Hollywood High’s Vegan club is teaming up with book club to create a cook book just for vegans. This is well needed since the rate the rate of veganism is increasing in the world.

Going vegan is beneficial in various ways and will lead to longevity in life. For example, a vegan diet protects against cancers, lowers your risk of heart disease, decreases anxiety, improves your skin, and your quality of sleep. A vegan diet consists plant milk, nuts, seeds, salad, tofu, and other minimally processed meat substitutes. Eating animal products aren’t safe because they contain harmful contaminants including dioxins, mercury, and bacteria that affects our health. It’s not as difficult as you think to stop eating meat. You would still get enough protein and if you really love animals then you have to stop consuming them.

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