AP Furioso : The new guy on the block

Ethan Murga 

Isaak Ramirez

Chronicle Reporters


When one door closes, another opens. For Pacino Furioso, a desk for him has opened up at Hollywood High School as the newest assistant principal.

Furioso graduated from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and majored in English. Furioso has much and various experience with working with students of all ages, specifically sixth through 12th grade.

Furioso is no stranger to working in a classroom in different schools. “I’ve also been working with Alliance Charter Schools,” Furioso said. “I wanted to come back because oftentimes charter schools don’t have the comprehensive programs as something like Hollywood High…”

One specific factor for Hollywood would be the transition in the sports program. Furioso went from sharing athletics with other schools at his previous workplace to having a full stadium and basketball gym at Hollywood.

As every administrator is assigned to a Small Learning Community (SLC), Principal Colacion has SAS; Samuel Dovlatian has TCA; Lori Gambero has PAM; this leaves Furioso as the new NMA administrator.

Furioso said, “I really liked teaching 9th grade students English and 12th grade, because like 12th they’re getting ready to go on that journey to college… but I also like teaching the ninth graders because sometimes the ninth graders came into high school like not knowing what high school was about so I wanted to use English to get them excited about literature.”

Furioso said he is grateful for a variety of programs and diversity of cultures in the high school. One important idea he feels is that the whole core of the school is the arts.

One of the biggest hobbies and interests for Furioso is traveling. Having taken interest in exploring new places and sights, he seeks to explore more of the Hollywood area. Furioso said, ” San Francisco is one of the most beautiful cities on Earth” as well as his fascination for Iceland being another beautiful location on Earth.

Being the new kid on the block, Furioso is adjusting to the school. “Learning about the campus I’ve been walking around trying to meet kids and trying to find out where things are.”

Although Furioso is new to the school, it isn’t hard to tell he’ll adapt to the Hollywood culture fairly quickly.


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