Use these strategies for next semester’s distance learning


Mary Pogosian

Chronicle Reporter

Many students have different opinions on distance learning. Some would say they like it, and others might say that they don’t. From my point of view, it is difficult to keep up with a different experience from what we are used to. In a classroom environment, I used to feel motivated, but now I don’t have the motivation or interest to do my work because I’m always home. 

The first semester of distance learning is almost over and it was important for teachers and students to learn how to deal with the new “normal”. We’ve learned many new things, but we can use more strategies to make the next semester better. 

For next semester’s distance learning, here are several strategies for teachers and students to use. 


  1. No strict deadlines! Many teachers make our assignments due the day they are given. Alternatively, give students until the next zoom session so that we can have a clearer understanding of all the assignments we were given that day. Strict deadlines make students hurry to send in assignments before the due time, making it difficult to actually learn.
  1. Kahoot and Quizlet live! Instead of reviewing notes you’ve provided, make a Kahoot or Quizlet live game. Some students learn best when competition is involved. For students, these learning games are an opportunity to feel inspired and show what they know to the class. 
  1. Ask students how they are feeling in the first five minutes of class! Instead of getting straight into the assignments, it would be nice to have a couple of minutes to talk to each other or have some meditation time. This will encourage students to feel more comfortable reaching out for help because it indicates that you care. Because in quarantine, teachers and students both feel negative emotions. 


  1. Plan an everyday routine! Students feel overwhelmed by the assignments and tasks we are given during distance learning. Set organized alarm clocks for everything you’ll have to finish by the end of the day to assist with this stress. As you complete tasks of your routine, you will feel more motivated. 
  1. Don’t hesitate to ask for help! Don’t feel embarrassed to ask for help because it shows our teachers that we care about what they are teaching us. The best way to understand our assignment is asking for help from the person who assigned it. 
  1. Take breaks between assignments! Take some time to step away from your workspace and get fresh air. This will help refresh our minds before we start another assignment. Just remember to stay safe if you do choose to leave the house, and remember to keep your social distance.

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