Kimberly Figueroa
Chronicle Reporter
Hollywood Idol took place on Friday May 24, ending the 2018-2019 school year off in a perfect note.
It started off by showing a short video clip of the person who started the tradition of Hollywood Idol, the one and only J.B Carmicle. This year, senior Isaak Ramirez from SAS hosted the event. The judges were Johnny Wood, William Manning, Mauricio Arocha, Alyssa Pinedo, and Lisa Hertzner.
Hollywood Idol mostly consisted of singing, but a group named Black Spadze brought intense dancing to this years show. A surprise performance by the teachers definitely made Hollywood Idol one to remember. Ms. Escobedo thought of the idea to have teachers come together to perform to Bruno Mar’s “Uptown Funk”. Secret rehearsals took place in Ms. Goldshein’s dance studio after school, where Ms. Escobedo choreographed and taught the flash mob dance to teachers and counselors.
The third place winner was Black Spadze, second place was Kings of No Nation, and the winner of Hollywood Idol 2019 was Randella Drew. Randella Drew sang a song that she wrote which was based on taking risks and standing up for eachother.
NMA Senior Jayson Duran shared his thoughts on this years show. ¨The show was great, it was also surprising to see the teachers perform. It was fun to cheer them on and laugh.¨