The 77th Boys State and the 75th Girls State seminars are set to take place from July 19 to July 26. The delegates for Boys State are SAS juniors Alex Jang, Jose Cruz, Victor Rodriguez, MET junior Philippe Agnimol, and TCA junior Eraldo Crisanto, and the Girls State delegate is PAM junior Marina Sangit. Holly San Nicolas, SAS, is the First Alternate, and Juana Blatazar, also in SAS, is the Second Alternate.
This special program, sponsored by the American Legion, teaches young people to be better speakers, how to work in groups, and gives them a one of a kind experience in working in a faux government setting.
Some of the activities they will have the chance to experience include legislative sessions, law enforcement presentations, assemblies, and other recreational programs. The delegates will have several opportunities to meet and speak with past alumni as well as other important figures who could potentially inspire them to further pursue a career in the United States government.
Overall, it is a grand event that should not be taken lightly. A prestigious branch of the American Legion, these seminars have been taking place since 1935 for Boys State, and 1937 for Girls State.
“We have great representation for the boys and girls this year. They’re all well-rounded individuals. They’ll represent Hollywood well,” said Grijalva.
These delegates will have the luck of being able to carry on an important tradition that will hopefully present them with different ideas as to what they may want to do for a career.