Immigrants stand in unanimity for #ADayWithoutImmigrants

Stephanie Starks

Chronicle Reporter

A few days after his presidency, Donald Trump signed a document that gave the green light for the wall to be built. Two days later, a family searching for an opportunity was turned away at the U.S. border, only to be sent back to a war infected country. Blatantly defiling the whole idea of ‘… liberty and justice for all.’ , Trump’s discriminatory actions has led to the ‘A Day Without Immigrants’ protest.

In hopes to show the Donald Trump that America would be severely weakened without immigrants, a movement (spread through by social media sites and fliers) has been organized.  On Feb 16 2017, undocumented people and immigrants and their children will have the opportunity to voice their anger and distress by being completely absent from the United States’ market for one day.

In the short time that he has been president, there has already been many protests against him, most notably, the world wide Women’s March that happened on Jan 21. Although this protest wasn’t nearly as organized and as widely spread as the Women’s March, it will most definitely be noticed if thousands of immigrants nationwide are suddenly absent from work. This fact will especially be prominent in states like California and Florida, who have a large immigrant population.

  Maybe these protests will get through to the White House and they will finally realise we aren’t going to tuck our tails between our legs.

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