Looking for Service Hours? We got you Covered.

Esteban Garcia

Chronicle Reporter

According to Elizabeth Payne, senior class sponsor, all juniors and seniors are required to do their 15 hours of service. If you’re having trouble as to where to look for the service, then you’ve come to the right place. There are many service hour opportunities around your community.

For instance, look at your local parks around your neighborhood where you can interact with many children at all ages. It may be a fun experience if you interact with others. Rather be in a quiet area? The library may the right spot. At the local  library, you will be able to help kids with their homework or just reading to them. These and many more positions are available throughout the library branches.

If you are having trouble finding a perfect setting, then you’ll just have to check the community center, which will most likely have the perfect position for you. They have over a thousand available positions. It ranges from helping on the streets to helping in business services.

If that’s not adequate, then the best thing to do is just follow your passion. Volunteer at your hospital, pet hospital, dentist, car mechanics or just about anything you can find available. The work you do should be something in the range of your passion. There are many possibilities around you waiting for you to join.



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